Healthcare News

  • Stem Cells Used to Treat Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head

    Collapsed femoral heads caused by osteonecrosis—otherwise known as avascular necrosis— unfortunately represent the root cause for approximately 10% of all hip replacements nationwide. Daniel Wiznia, MD, is utilizing a stem cell treatment at Yale School of Medicine and integrating new techniques along with 3D imaging technology as part of a joint-preservation procedure.

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  • These physical therapists have a new approach for strengthening the core, and the NFL is taking notice

    Anyone who has been near a gym in the last decade has heard the buzz about strengthening "the core"—muscles in the trunk and abdomen that can be targeted with crunches, planks, and other gut-busting exertions. Yet for all the attention devoted to this crossroads of the human body, it remains a common site of injury for amateur and professional athletes alike.

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  • Sitting at your desk doesn't have to be a pain in the neck

    Working at a desk is a common cause of back and neck pain, often because you accommodate your workstation rather than the other way around.

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  • Mind over matter: The benefits of meditation that will surprise you

    The benefits of meditation for people of all ages are well documented, but here’s one of which you might not be aware: it can lessen wrinkles.

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  • What is frozen shoulder?

    Pain and stiffness in your shoulder can make every activity including sleep difficult. Worsening shoulder pain, especially at night, could mean you have a frozen shoulder

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  • Best Tools For Managing Chronic Pain

    In 2019, more than 20% of U.S. adults experienced pain almost daily for three consecutive months, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)[1]. From heating pads to hypnotherapy, here are several tools and treatments that may help.

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  • Stem cell therapy repairs injured tendons

    Due to overuse or age-related degeneration, tendon injuries have become a common clinical problem. Damaged tendons heal slowly, and current treatments often can’t manage the pain. They also are unable to restore the tendon’s original structure and functionality.

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  • The promise of regenerative medicine to treat chronic pain

    The use of regenerative medicine to lessen chronic pain holds enormous potential, and the body of evidence to support the practice is growing

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  • Exercise recommendations for people with chronic pain

    Exercise, which can take the form of simple physical activity such as walking, is good for people with joint pain. Joints were made to move and if we don't move them they'll get stiff, creaky, even more painful and our muscles, which are extremely important for protecting our joints against harmful movements, will weaken—exposing them to even greater harm.

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  • What exercises can help relieve TMJ pain?

    People experiencing pain due to a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder can try a range of exercises to relieve it. These exercises can improve jaw strength and mobility.

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